Bridal showers are a traditional event held to celebrate a forthcoming wedding. They take the form of a party, for the bride-to-be and her female friends, and are usually organized by the maid of honor. This tradition seems to have originally come from Belgium, and was introduced to the United States during the 19th century. Since then, the tradition has spread to many other countries, in many cases merging with other traditional pre-wedding celebrations.
As well being an opportunity for the bride to meet up with a female friends, a variety of different activities usually take place during a bridal shower. These usually include food and drink, the giving of party favors, and a range of different party games, each adapted to have a bridal or wedding theme. One particular game that is very popular is bridal shower bingo.
Bridal shower bingo is played just like normal bingo, except that instead of using standard bingo cards printed with numbers, specially adapted bingo cards are used instead. The difference between these and normal bingo cards, is the bridal cards contain words or phrases instead of numbers, each of the words or phrases have a bridal or wedding theme.
One thing you might be wondering about is where to obtain these bridal shower bingo cards. It is also possible to buy them, but it's just as easy, and often cheaper, to print them yourself using a computer. A number of web sites are available that offer free bridal shower bingo printables that you can download, or if you are slightly more ambitious, you can use a bingo card creator program to generate your own customized bingo cards.
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